SummerColor? Summer Flowering Perennials are 30% Off Today

Imperial Gem English Lavender Herb Plant

Your price: $13.45
  • - Spacing: 20 inches
  • - Days to Harvest: 40
  • - A compact, bushy variety loaded with flowers
  • - Each 3-Inch Pot contains 1 Imperial Gem English Lavender Herb Plant
Plant Features

Imperial Gem English Lavender brings loads of fragrant purple-blue flowers on a tidy compact habit. Imperial Gem is small enough to grow in pots, but also works in the landscape. Enjoy the soothing smell of lavender all season long! Grows best in full sun locations with well-drained soil, but can tolerate sandy soil. Lavender is perennial herb that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds, tolerates drought, and resists browsing deer and rabbits. It can be grown indoors next to a south facing window. Indoor plants should be watered just as the potting mix starts to dry.

Lavender Companion Plants: Echinacea, Roses, Yarrow

Imperial Gem English Lavender Plant Care Instructions: Keep the plant well-watered for the first 3-4 weeks. After that, only water if the plant starts looking droopy. Do not overfertilize. When harvesting do not take more than 1/3 of the plant at a time. Plants can be cut back in the spring only, and only after the new growth gets started.

Our Imperial Gem English Lavender Herb Plants are grown with a commitment to natural methods, ensuring they're healthy and robust. Guaranteed to arrive alive and thriving!

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Needs
Sunlight 8+ hours
Overwinter Zones 5, 6, 7, 8
Watering Needs Allow the top of the soil to dry before watering
Soil Properties Well-drained
Tolerates Sandy soil
Fertilizer Every 3-4 weeks
Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
When to harvest Right before the flowers start to wilt
Production Time Multiply Pickings
Bloom Time JulyJuly, 
Habit Upright
Flower Color Purple
Foliage Color Green
Attracts Bees, Butterflies
Features Cut Flower, Drought tolerant, Fragrant, Heat tolerant
Garden Styles Container Garden, Cottage Garden, Rock Garden
Plant Used for Aesthetic Appeal, Edible, Healing and Medicinal, Natural Pest Control
Critter Resistance Deer, Rabbit
Pet Friendly Yes
Plant Type Open-Pollinated