Best Plants, Great Packaging, Real Value

Braveheart Tomato Plant

  • - Spacing: 36 inches
  • - Days to Harvest: 60
  • - Production: Indeterminate
  • - At least 6–8 hours of sunlight
  • - Each 3-Inch Pot contains 1 Braveheart Tomato Plant
Plant Features

Braveheart tomatoes are bold and flavorful, producing 1-ounce fruits that are tender, succulent, and bursting with flavor—perfect for salads! The plants yield early and often, ensuring a steady supply of delicious tomatoes throughout the season. Known for their long shelf life and resistance to cracking, Braveheart tomatoes are as practical as they are tasty. With vigorous growth and reliable disease resistance, they deliver abundant harvests with minimal effort. Grown with our natural methods to nurture their strength and flavor, Braveheart Tomato Plants are guaranteed to arrive alive and thriving!

Planting Instructions:

  • - Transplant only after danger of frost has passed and nighttime air temperatures stay above 50°F

Soil Preparation:

  • - Ideal soil pH: 6.0-6.8
  • - Add compost or well-rotted manure (best done in the fall)

Watering Specifics:

  • - Water deeply and regularly
  • - Avoid wetting leaves to prevent disease

Fertilizer Type:

  • - Apply a balanced 5-5-5 fertilizer or our recommended Espoma Tomato Tone at planting, once flowers appear, and again three weeks later

Pruning and Training:

  • - Removing suckers is optional
  • - Stake or cage plants for support


  • - Self-pollinating, but benefit from insect, wind, or mechanical movement

Additional Pest Management:

  • - Watch for tomato hornworms
  • - Monitor for signs of blight or other fungal diseases
  • - Use Serenade Garden Disease Control or a copper fungicide as needed


  • - Store ripe tomatoes at room temperature for up to a week
  • - Refrigerate only if necessary, as it can affect flavor

Companion Plants:

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
When to harvest When the skin yields slighty to finger pressure
Production Time Fruit ripens throughout the season
Habit Sprawling
Foliage Color Green
Plant Used for Food Production
Disease Resistance Fusarium Wilt (F) Race 1, Gray Leaf Spot (GLS), Leaf Mold (LM), Tomato Mosiac Virus
Plant Type Hybrid
Tolerates Sandy soil

Product Reviews


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Top Reviews

Beyond expectations!

Fantastic packaging, healthy plant and quick delivery. I'm very pleased with your product.

From Alex | October 16, 2023


Extremely pleased with my purchase. Shipping is excellent quick and in good condition.

From Tyrone | October 05, 2023

Best Cherry Tomato

I used to like the Juliet but I tried this one last year and it was delicious and bountiful...placing an order for this year.

From anonymous | February 11, 2023


I knew it was on the late side to be planting tomatoes. But I wanted to give it a shot. My plants arrived healthy. It's been in a container for a little over 3 weeks and has easily more than tripled in size. It already has cherry tomatoes on it.

From Kerry | July 28, 2021

Best cherry variety for my growing conditions

We all know how great GrowJoy is at delivering healthy plants, so I'll use this space to rave about this particular tomato variety. I grew Braveheart last year for the first time, in a 10 gal grow bag, in less-than-optimal conditions. It bore nice-sized fruit all season, with 4 hours maximum of morning sun.... maybe not a bumper crop, but enough to keep the two of us eating fresh-from-the-vine tomatoes until first frost. The flavor from mine wasn't quite as sweet as some other varieties, but we actually preferred the more robust tomato flavor. These are a little larger than other cherry tomatoes I've tried, and became the favorite for both me and my husband. It's also highly disease resistant, and fared better than any other tomato I tried last year in our hot and humid Summer. (South Carolina midlands) Braveheart is definitely worth trying.

From anonymous | February 17, 2021

Love my cherry toms

The Braveheart cherry tomatoes I ordered from GroJoy are thriving in my garden. I think the best thing about the whole process was how incredibly easy it was! I placed my order online and in a remarkably short time my plants arrived in great shape and ready for planting. I'm looking forward to placing more orders in the very near future.

From Kevin | September 14, 2020

These plants looked STRONG

I had never bought online before and when I unpacked these tomatoes, I was shocked!! They looked so strong and it reminded me of my mother teaching me how to plant them. Already have tomatoes on the vine!!!

From Bill | August 24, 2020

Good Quality

As with other vegetable plants I have received from GrowJoy, this tomato plant arrived in pretty good condition, although the top was bent down due to the size of the container it was in. I used to buy all my plants from another on-line business but GrowJoy is MUCH better at shipping quickly.

From Linda | August 05, 2020

Strong grower

Arrived ready to thrive. Quickly shot up as soon as it hit the dirt. Great plants.

From Cory | July 02, 2019

Braveheart Tomato Plant


From Linda | May 30, 2019

Braveheart Tomato Plant

The Braveheart Tomato Plant I ordered from Growjoy was received in excellent condition. I am sure it will thrive and produce very well. It was almost a foot tall when I received it. The packaging they use to ship plants in is absolutely remarkable, and it really protects the plant from becoming damaged during shipment. I always feel confident when ordering from Growjoy that I will receive quality plants when promised. I am never reluctant to order from them.

From Susan | May 20, 2019
