Perennial Mums, scientifically known as Chrysanthemums, are beloved for their vibrant, long-lasting blooms that appear in late summer and fall, bringing a splash of color to the garden when many other plants have finished flowering. Available in a wide range of colors, including shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, white, and purple, Mums are perfect for borders, garden beds, and containers. These compact, bushy perennials thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, and their ability to withstand cooler temperatures makes them a garden favorite for autumn displays. Perennial Mums are easy to care for, requiring minimal maintenance once established, and they return year after year with proper pruning and winter protection.
At GrowJoy, we carefully cultivate our Perennial Mum starter plants using sustainable practices to ensure they are safe for your garden and beneficial to pollinators. Each plant is nurtured to develop a strong root system, allowing it to establish quickly and thrive in your landscape. We guarantee that every Perennial Mum plant will arrive in excellent condition, ready to enhance your outdoor space with its colorful blooms and easy-care nature.
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