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Foxtrot Asiatic Lilies bring vibrant pink flowers to your garden and will brighten up your home with fresh cut flowers! These lily bulbs are easy to grow and will yield strong, sturdy stems with plenty of blooms. This pot lily is perfect for borders, rockeries, and to be enjoyed indoors, they can reach up to 12 inches in height and flower from June to August.
Lily Companion Plants: Agastache, Roses, Salvia, Veronica
Foxtrot Lily Plant Care Instructions: Apply mulch around the plant after it sprouts in the spring to maintain cool and moist roots. Use a high-potassium fertilizer every three weeks until 6 weeks after flowering. Keep the foliage in place after blooming to allow for photosynthesis and strengthen the bulb. Cut the foliage back to the ground when the leaves turn yellow in late fall.
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