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Harmony's Red Robin Rex Begonia Plant

  • - Pet Safe: No
  • - Care Level: Medium
  • - Space Required: 16 inches
  • - Thrives In Rooms With: North or East facing windows
  • - Each 5-Inch Pot contains 1 Harmony's Red Robin Rex Begonia Plant
Plant Features

The Harmony's Red Robin Rex Begonia is a captivating variety within the Rex Begonia family, distinguished by its bold and colorful foliage. This plant features large, intricately patterned leaves that combine shades of red, pink, green, and silver. The leaf surface often has a velvety texture and a metallic sheen, which adds to its ornamental appeal. Like other Rex Begonias, the Harmony's Red Robin is grown primarily for its stunning foliage rather than its flowers.

Caring for the Harmony's Red Robin Rex Begonia involves addressing a few key challenges. Brown leaf edges can be a sign of low humidity or the presence of minerals in tap water. Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to wilting or drooping leaves, while insufficient light can cause a loss of vibrant coloration. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can burn the leaves. This plant prefers high humidity and consistent soil moisture but is prone to root rot if overwatered. Regular inspections for pests such as aphids and spider mites are also recommended.

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Needs
Sunlight Indirect, Bright - within 2-3' of a window
Watering Needs Allow the top of the soil to dry before watering
Fertilizer Every 4-6 weeks
Humidity Level High (a humidifier must be in the room)
Temperature 65-75 F
Care Level Green Thumb (plants require a little effort)
Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
Height Category Medium
Mature Spread 6-12 inches
Habit Mounded
Foliage Color Multicolored
Garden Styles Houseplant
Pet Friendly No

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Top Reviews

Harmony's Red Robin Begonia

Gorgeous plant, healthy and growing quickly. I'd never seen or heard of it but the color is stunning!

From Lois | April 18, 2020


In all my years of buying plants which must be shipped to me, never have I seen plants or shipping containers of this quality. My Rex Begonia plants were so well protected that you would never guess they had been on quite a journey to get to me. I can only sing the highest of praises! I most certainly will be a repeat customer!

From anonymous | April 01, 2020
