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Harmony's Starry Night Rex Begonia Plant

  • - Pet Safe: No
  • - Care Level: Medium
  • - Space Required: 16 inches
  • - Thrives In Rooms With: North or East facing windows
  • - Each 5-Inch Pot contains 1 Harmony's Starry Night Rex Begonia Plant
Plant Features

The Harmony's Starry Night Rex Begonia is a visually striking plant, admired for its unique and eye-catching foliage. This variety of Rex Begonia features leaves that are a deep green to black color, speckled with silver or white spots that resemble a starry night sky. The leaves are large and often have a crinkled or curled texture, adding to the plant's dramatic appearance. Rex Begonias like the Starry Night are popular for their ornamental leaves rather than their flowers.

Caring for the Harmony's Starry Night Rex Begonia requires attention to certain specifics. Browning leaf edges may indicate low humidity or the use of water with high mineral content. Overwatering can lead to drooping leaves and root rot, while under-watering can cause the leaves to wilt. A loss of the leaf's vibrant colors can be a sign of insufficient lighting. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves. This plant thrives in high humidity, so regular misting or using a humidifier is beneficial. It's important to be vigilant about pests like aphids and spider mites.

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Needs
Sunlight Indirect, Bright - within 2-3' of a window
Watering Needs Allow the top of the soil to dry before watering
Fertilizer Every 4-6 weeks
Humidity Level High (a humidifier must be in the room)
Temperature 65-75 F
Care Level Green Thumb (plants require a little effort)
Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
Height Category Medium
Mature Spread 6-12 inches
Habit Mounded
Foliage Color Multicolored
Garden Styles Houseplant
Pet Friendly No