Best Plants, Great Packaging, Real Value

Nancy Hall Sweet Potato Plant

  • - UNAVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE, Shop Available Vegetable Plants
  • - Spacing: 20 inches
  • - Days to Harvest: 100
  • - Moist flesh with good flavor
Plant Features

Nancy Hall Sweet Potato Plants produce tubers with yellow flesh that is juicy and sweet when baked. If taste is more important than beauty, you'd be wise to give Nancy Hall a try. 

Our Nancy Hall Sweet Potato Plants are grown with a commitment to natural methods, ensuring they're healthy and robust. Guaranteed to arrive alive and thriving!

Planting Instructions:

  • - Plant slips after all danger of frost has passed and soil is warm (at least 60°F)
  • - Plant 12-18 inches apart in rows 3-4 feet apart

Soil Preparation:

  • - Ideal soil pH: 5.8-6.2
  • - Well-drained, sandy loam enriched with organic matter

Watering Specifics:

  • - Water deeply at planting and regularly until established
  • - Reduce watering frequency once vines cover the ground

Fertilizer Type:

  • - Apply low-nitrogen fertilizer at planting
  • - Avoid excessive nitrogen, which promotes leaf growth over tuber development

Pruning and Training:

  • - Trim vines if they extend beyond the growing area
  • - No other pruning necessary


  • - Not necessary for tuber production

Additional Pest Management:

  • - Watch for sweet potato weevils and wireworms
  • - Use crop rotation to prevent pest buildup

Harvesting Indicators:

  • - Harvest when leaves start to yellow, typically 3-4 months after planting
  • - Dig carefully to avoid damaging tubers


  • - Cure at 85°F and 85-90% humidity for about 10 days
  • - Store at 55-60°F with high humidity for several months

Companion Plants:

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
When to harvest When the foliage dies back
Production Time Single Picking
Habit Trailing
Foliage Color Green
Features Heat tolerant
Garden Styles Container Garden
Plant Used for Food Production
Plant Type Open-Pollinated
Tolerates Sandy soil