Best Plants, Great Packaging, Real Value
Surecrop Strawberry Plant is a dependable, high-yielding, mid-season variety producing exceptionally large, lipstick red, firm fruit, even for novice and coastal gardeners. This June-bearing variety is ideal for canning and freezes well.
Planting Instructions:
Soil Preparation:
Watering Specifics:
Fertilizer Type:
Pruning and Training:
Additional Pest Management:
Harvesting Indicators:
Companion Plants:
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A bit too soon to review. They have not arrived yet due to it being a little early in the season to ship. But I am looking forward to planting these Surecrop berries.
From lana | April 02, 2015
Got these Surecrop Strawberries in and soaked them in water over night. Set them out the next day and they are blooming like crazy and keeping me busy.
From Don | May 20, 2014
Our Surecrop plants arrived at the perfect time for planting in our Ohio garden and came with thorough instructions for planting. They are thriving so far. Very healthy!
From Linda | May 04, 2014
I was not sure what it was - when I opened my box of "live plants". There was a bundle of what looked like straw in a plastic bag. I soon figured out it was the "bare root" strawberries. I had to write the GrowJoy folks to ask once I soaked the roots - what do I do if I can not put them in the ground right away. (A nice gent wrote back saying that - once soaked- could last for a week in the fridge before needing to go into the ground.) They are now in the ground. I'm curious to see if I've given them enough room - etc. Fingers crossed in Arlington, VA.
From Sheila | May 11, 2013
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