Iris sibirica 'Purring Tiger' is an enchanting blend of elegance and fierceness. At first glance, its dusty lavender blooms demand attention, poised gracefully atop radiant golden-yellow petals. But it's the intricate purple veining on these petals, mirroring the heart of the flower, that truly mesmerizes. Just like the whispered growl of a tiger, this compact beauty, standing at a modest 18-24 inches, delivers a roaring display of color every early summer. Perfect for those who seek a garden centerpiece that's both delicate and daring, the 'Purring Tiger' is more than a flower, it's a spectacle. Purring Tiger ships as a bare root. We like growing from bare roots because they establish quickly, become twice the size of a potted plant in the first season, and eliminate the need for plastic pots (a win for the environment).
Excellent companion plants for Siberian Iris include: Cardinal Flower, Joe-Pye Weed, Swamp Milkweed, Canna Lilies, and various ornamental grasses like Sedges.
Iris Plant Care Instructions: Irises are relatively low-maintenance plants; however, these actions will help keep them healthy and thriving. Remove spent flowers by cutting them back to the first set of healthy leaves. Any leaves that develop brown tips during the summer can be trimmed just below the browning area - this is a natural process for irises. Avoid mulching around the rhizomes to prevent rot. Regularly remove dead or dried leaves from the plant. In early fall, cut back all foliage to ground level. Divide iris plants every 3-5 years, typically about 4-6 weeks after flowering. Spring is the best time to apply a single application of balanced fertilizer.