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Burpee SuperSteak Tomato Plant

  • - Spacing: 36 inches
  • - Days to Harvest: 80
  • - Production: Determinate
  • - Super-sized, 2lb fruits
  • - Each 3-Inch Pot contains 1 Burpee SuperSteak Tomato Plant
Plant Features

Burpee's SuperSteak Tomato produces a large, 2-pound fruit with a meaty texture and old fashion flavor that is hard to beat among the jumbo tomatoes. One slice covers an entire piece of bread!

Our Burpee SuperSteak Tomato Plants are grown with a commitment to natural methods, ensuring they're healthy and robust. Guaranteed to arrive alive and thriving!

Planting Instructions:

  • - Transplant after danger of frost has passed
  • - Soil temperature should be at least 60°F

Soil Preparation:

  • - Ideal soil pH: 6.0-6.8
  • - Add compost or well-rotted manure (best done in the fall)

Watering Specifics:

  • - Water deeply and regularly
  • - Avoid wetting leaves to prevent disease

Fertilizer Type:

Pruning and Training:

  • - Removing suckers is optional
  • - Stake or cage plants for support


  • - Self-pollinating, but benefit from insect, wind, or mechanical movement

Additional Pest Management:

  • - Watch for tomato hornworms
  • - Monitor for signs of blight or other fungal diseases
  • - Use Serenade Garden Disease Control or a copper fungicide as needed

Harvesting Indicators:

  • - Harvest when fruits are fully colored


  • - Store ripe tomatoes at room temperature for up to a week
  • - Refrigerate only if necessary, as it can affect flavor

Companion Plants:

Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Needs
Sunlight 6+ hours
Watering Needs Consistently moist, but not waterlogged
Soil Properties Well-drained
Fertilizer When transplanted and then every 3-4 weeks
Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Growing Support Cage, Netting, Stake
Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
When to harvest When the skin yields slighty to finger pressure
Production Time Fruit ripens throughout the season
Habit Sprawling
Foliage Color Green
Plant Used for Food Production
Plant Type Hybrid
Tolerates Sandy soil